Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Performance Management

Measuring performance.

While being at university there have been a number of ways personal progress can be tracked, the first way performance is tracked it through meeting with your personal tutor, who goes thorough what you have been doing, if you have any problems, looks at your grades and helps you identify areas that may need improving while supplying resources that can help you do so.

Another way you can track your progress at university is by using the online resource Blackboard, as you are able to look in to each different area of your degree and find out how well you have done in past assignments and work out what you need to get to pass. This is effective as it can be accessed at any computer as long as you have internet access.

Effective mentor

In the Sunday Times an article states what is needed to become a good mentor, they need to be

1. Experienced in what they are doing as there is no point having a mentor who does not know what they are doing themselves as it will act as a de-motivator

2. A mentor must be confident and not shy to tell the mentee when they are doing something completely wrong, but must also be able to tell the mentee in a certain way so they don’t get de-motivated or feel shy

3. They must show that they are trusting as otherwise the mentee will not fully open up to the mentor and wont unlock their full potential


For the last few years my friend has been a very good mentor to me, as she has previously gone through university and gained a 1.1 in her degree, so she already knows the different stresses and problems that can arise from university such as to much partying and not enough working. She has helped me improve my time keeping skill and been there to help motivate me in the last push when an assignment deadline is looming.

Mentors are very useful in business as it improves a person skills and confidence, and give people the motivation to do things that they may have previously been less inclined to do. Mentors also allow people to grow as they help them get to the answer without doing it for them.


Sunday Times (2008) Entrepreneurs: a mentor can tune your skills. [online]. Available from: http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/entrepreneur/article3778514.ece [Accessed 30 April 2010]

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